Golfing with gopher holes is risky business. We’d like to think that goodr’s high contrast Flamingo Eye™ Technology will help you spot them on the green, but let’s face it, these critters’ well-groomed holes create sneaky little booby traps. No matter how legit your golf sunglasses are they can be a challenge to spot. We’ve put together five pro-tips to play by when it comes to retrieving a ball from a gopher hole:
- Gophers have crazyass upper and lower teeth that are always sticking out and at the ready. Their front paws have nasty claws. So ultimately, we advise not to fuck with gophers. Fortunately, they’re typically pretty shy animals. Fingers crossed you don’t meet a dauntless one.
- A single gopher burrow system can be up to 200 yards long. Their tunnels typically start 6 to 12 inches below the ground, but the maze can end up as deep as 6 feet. Accept that your ball might be a rodent’s new pet. Think Cast Away’s Wilson.
- Try to retrieve the ball with your two or three iron, something long with a small head, and pick the ball up with your opposite hand as you pull it to the top of the hole.
Another option is to find someone that speaks gopher and try to negotiate a trade. We have yet to hear of any successful attempts at this.