Hey! It's Bosley's Ghost! Back with another blog about CULTURE goodr! Hey! Hey! Hey! This episode's about self-awareness! I love self-awareness! Sometimes I beat myself up! I say, "Hey! Bosley! You shouldn't 've stayed behind on Earth as a ghost waiting for your human Stephen to die! You should've gone to hell now and started partying!" Then I take a step back and say, "Hey! Bosley's Ghost! Stop being mean to my friend, Bosley's Ghost!"
Anyway, here's a blurb about Episode #55 of CULTURE goodr: Self-Awareness Is a Practice:
How do you balance being mean to yourself vs. being hard on yourself? In this episode, Stephen and Shaun talk about practicing self-awareness at goodr. The Enneagram Personality Test reveals how different people react to stress. (Do you know what types Stephen & Shaun are?!) During quarterly reviews, there are self-awareness bonus points. (WOOO!!!) And we encourage everyone to seek clear, actionable, recent, legit feedback. (Speaking of which, if you don't like this episode description, contact suckabutt@goodrcopywritersareperfect.com.)
Wow! That was great! Hey! Hey! Hey! Want to know Stephen and Shaun's Enneagram Types?! Stephen is Type 7, The Enthusiast! And Shaun is Type 9, The Peacemaker! Oh no! I shouldn't have revealed that! Now you won't click on the episode! [DIPS HEAD, LOWERS EARS, AVOIDS DIRECT EYE CONTACT, TUCKS TAIL BETWEEN LEGS AND WHIMPERS] Wait a second! Hey! Bosley's Ghost! Stop being so mean to my friend, Bosley's Ghost! Ahhhh! THAT FEELS SO MUCH BETTER!!!! [BARKS & LEAPS ENTHUSIASTICALLY IN THE AIR]
See you next week!