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Pink flamingo wearing sunglasses

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We might be biased but...

Having the best golf sunglasses can 100% improve your golf game. Can it improve it 100%? I mean... since we're not literally golfing in your stead we can't claim that, but it can pop contrast and increase detail, so vision won't be what's holding you back from your best golf game ever. We call it PESs, or performance enhancing sunglasses. If it wasn’t a thing, it is now. If it was already a thing, now it's better. Boom. You're welcome.

With the right pair of shades you’ll go from wanting to stuff your scorecard in your mouth with shame so no other human can lay their eyes on it, to wanting to get it professionally framed and matted. goodr can make this dream come true with our golf-specific polarized sunglasses with high contrast lens technology starting at just $25. We firmly believe that our golf sunglasses are the best on the market. (Even our moms said so!!! And they aren’t biased at all!!! What's that look about? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ABOUT OUR MOMS?!?)


A woman wearing white sunglasses with non-reflective rose-tinted lenses looks off to the side fiercely on a sunny day. Three-quarter angle view of square-shaped white sunglasses with non-reflective rose-tinted lenses.

Au Revoir, Gopher

A smiling woman in a collared shirt at a golf clubhouse wears gray aviator sunglasses with non-reflective lenses. Three-quarter angle view of matte gray aviator sunglasses with non-reflective black lenses on a white background.

Clubhouse Closeout

A smiling male golfer looks out at the course in round yellow sunglasses with rose-colored circle lenses. Three-quarter angle view of yellow round sunglasses with rose-tinted circle lenses.

Fade-er-ade Shades

A woman wearing brown-to-white gradient sunglasses swings a golf club, smiling in a ray of sunshine. Three-quarter angle view of square-shaped sunglasses with brown-to-white gradient frames and brown, non-reflective lenses.

Three Parts Tee

A man wearing round burgundy sunglasses with brown lenses and a large furry collar smokes a pipe on a golf course. Three-quarter angle view of round burgundy sunglasses with circle-shaped non-reflective brown lenses.

I'm Wearing Burgundy?

FOR BIG HEADS Just Knock It On!-BFGs-GOLF goodr-4-goodr sunglasses Just Knock It On!-BFGs-GOLF goodr-1-goodr sunglasses

Just Knock It On!


Golf Like a Flamingo, and if you don't know what that means you better keep reading...

Spoiler alert, it might be the single most important tip in all of golf history.

The best golf sunglasses have a wide variety of glorious benefits. With the right lens tint they can help you read greens better, detect contours, or even help make it easier for you to see your ball in the air and on the ground. In the rough again? Even better!!!

Also, news alert: sunglasses protect you from...the sun!! That’s right -- another major benefit to wearing proper eyewear while golfing has to do with eye fatigue. A wise player (like you!!!) will do whatever they can to help protect their precious peepers from the sun’s harmful UV rays. These UV rays are crafty, you see. They bounce around in every which way. Especially near water, sand, and even on grass, which are all things famously on a golf course. Famously. Those crafty, harmful UV rays blast through clouds with the same ease you blasted through the OB marker when you shanked it on hole 6. Glare acts in the same sneaky way. This means that even when it’s overcast, great golfing sunglasses with proper UV protection and polarized lenses are a major asset for your eyes, and your game.

We could nerd out on the lens tech here for a hundred paragraphs, but this is what you need to know in a nutshell:

  1. goodr golf sunglasses have a polarized layer and a UV400 layer within the lens.
  2. The polarized lenses works to filter the intensified horizontal light that bounces off of flat surfaces and redirect it to the vertical plane.
  3. Lens technology: The UV400 layer blocks 99%-100% of both UVA and UVB light, yes, actual electromagnetic radiation that busts through the ozone layer.
  4. It takes a lot of work for your pupils to continually adjust to these changing light conditions. They’re constantly contracting and dilating. This results in migraines and headaches. You can help your peepers save some energy simply by wearing proper (ahem… goodr) sunglasses while you recreate outdoors.
  5. STAY TUNED to learn about High Contrast Lens Technology. It will blow your mind! ...Keep reading...

So. Why look to goodr when you're searching for the best glasses for golf, besides the fact that we know how to write an informational article that actually makes you laugh? We have three basic reasons, all of which relate back to goodr’s four Fs: Fun. Fashionable. Functional. 'Fffordable. We kicked the “A” out of “affordable.” Four Fs is better than three Fs and an A, wouldn’t ya say? Rolls off the tongue better, or-- in our Flamingo CEO Carl’s case-- the beak. 

Henceforth, in this article, we’re gonna capitalize our four Fs so you don’t forget (there will be a quiz).

We meant it when we said we make the best golf sunglasses. So let’s talk about FUNCTION. Our frame is snug and lightweight with a comfortable fit to prevent bouncing while you’re swinging out of your shoes. You can surely expect goodr’s famous no slip, no bounce, all polarized standards. Let’s face it, glare can ruin your day. Polarization to the rescue! Wearing sunglasses relieves golfers’ eyes from intense sunlight. Getting the ball airborne and headed in the right direction is almost impossible if you can’t visually judge the distance to the hole. This is important because, ummmmm... correct us if we’re wrong....gauging how far a shot needs to go is pretty much the whole game of golf? Drive that shit with confidence because you can actually see where you’re sending it. 

On top of exceptional UV and polarized protection, goodr has created our golf sunglasses with High Contrast Lens Tech. All the HD contrast and performance without any of the self-importance. The lenses used within our golf line are truly made with gophers on the brain. Did we say gophers? We meant golfers.

Let’s see what some real people had to say after purchasing a pair of shades from our golf sunglasses line:

"Finally sunglasses meant for golf"

"Tried to wear my other sunglasses golfing but the lenses were too dark. THESE SUNGLASSES have the right tint and stay on my head both when I need them on or when I’m wearing them on my hat."

"Like an Instagram Filter on Life!"

"Looking at the world through flamingo-tinted lenses while still being able to wear them in a uniform. #worthit #prettiersunsets "

"Great Glasses"

"Love these glasses, tried them golfing today and they were just as advertised. Could find the golf ball a lot easier"

...and you know those are real quotes, because if we wrote them they'd be aggressively weirder.



Did you know that there is no such thing as a bogey? That term was made up by a bunch of golf jabronies in the 1890s, so we’re a bunch of jabronies ready to stake our claim in the golf lexicon. The golf pros at goodr have renamed bogey to “flamingo.” It just makes more sense. Think about it: condor, albatross, eagle, birdie… What’s up with all of these bird names? Then BOGEY?!! Doesn’t work. And you know what else?? IT'S FUN!!! Be a Flamingo Golfer and celebrate every shot over par with a flamingo instead. Whether it’s double, triple, or flamingo five, the more flamingos the better the party. WARNING: if playing with real flamingos, be sure to keep an eye on them. Our CEO Carl is known to harass the caddies if his piña coladas aren’t strong enough, and that’s just embarrassing. Then, we have to tip them extra to apologize for Carl, we all have that friend.

Anyway...back to the FUN. The best golf sunglasses, available only at goodr, represent fun. From our colorways, to our unique names, to our origin stories. These sunglasses are born out of pure happiness and joy. With goodr’s golf sunglasses, you can take those positive vibes right from your face to the green. Because if it’s not fun, why do it?

A common stoke factor when it comes to goodrs is the price point. And the higher the stoke, the lower the strokes, rightttttt??? With 'FFORDABLE frames at top brand quality, you can now have a pair of sunglasses to match each one of your favorite kilts. Oh, it’s not common to wear kilts golfing any more? We'll have to address that unacceptable societal failing later. Regardless, matching sunnies to your performance knickerbockers and caddie cap is a huge FASHION win if you ask us. (So help us if you tell us knickerbockers are "out" now too... oh thank god, at least the timeless, intergenerational smash hit that is the knickerbocker will never waiver.) With a great selection of colors, flamingo and argyle prints, these golf shades will give you the pop of flair that you’ve been looking for. With all of that FUN, FUNCTIONAL, FASHIONABLE, FFORDABLE style, you’ll be able to focus on the game because you look fly and feel comfortable and confident. Because that’s right! ALL of our sunglasses start at just $25!!! Probably should have led with that, but the knickerbocker thing came up and it all fell apart.

And, in case you aren’t yet the goodr fanatic you will soon be

Accidents happen. Especially when chaos breaks free in the Back 9 Blackout. (You know, Chad. Chad ruins the day by having a few too many during the front 9. Insert eyeroll emoji.) Now, as world renowned golf experts we knew what “shanking it” was, but here’s some research we did about the physics of a shank:  a shank happens when the golfer hits the golf ball on the innermost portion of the clubface, so far toward the heel that the golf ball is contacted by the rounded hosel. Most commonly, a shank results in a ball that shoots out to the right (for a right-hander) at a severe angle. Then you yell “Shanked it!” so at least people are aware that you know you suck. Awareness is the first step. It is at this moment that a ball to the eye is far too probable. Smart choice to wear goodrs old chap! Your eyes are safe, thank goodness. Oh no! Your lenses got effed in the process? No worries, even though you only forked over $25 bones for these puppies, goodr has a stellar customer service team that would love to take care of you if you give ‘em a good story (even better if you add a dog pic)! Feel free to embellish. And seriously, congrats on not losing an eye. Thankfully we have no returns as a result of an eye-shanking thus far.

Here at goodr we can talk about FUN, FUNCTION, FASHION, and 'FFORDABILITY probably longer than most humans (or flamingos), so we’ll be responsible “adults” and cut ourselves off here. As long as you can promise us one thing, the next time you’re in the market for extra rad polarized golf sunglasses, think about the Four F's. And the fifth F of course, your FACE, which will look infinitely cooler in a pair of goodrs.

Note to the reader: when you start to shop goodr golf sunglasses you might be so dazzled by our many options, you may end up in decision fatigue and freeze up. If so, just click “add to cart” on every pair you’re considering and you’ll still end up under budget from what you’d spend elsewhere. FACT. (Ahhh! ANOTHER F WORD. FABULOUS! We didn’t even mean to do that! Okay, we’re FINISHED. OH GOD WHY WON'T IT STOP. Okay we're really done this time. FIN. NOOOOOO.)

Yes please!

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